Покровский женский монастырь

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Подворье в Троице-Лыково

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Подворье в Марково

Подворье в Марково

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Раздел с новостями обители

Make a donation

Brothers and sisters! We ask you to provide all possible financial assistance for the beautification of our monastery and the further restoration of the courtyards.

Certificate of registration of the media. AL № FS77-59984

© 2010. All rights reserved. Pokrovsky Stavropigialny womens monastery of the intercession Outpost of the city of Moscow

Monastery grounds

New martyrs of the monastery of the intercession

Childrens shelter

Matrona Of Moscow

A farmstead to the Trinity-Lykovo

Schedule of services

Meal for pilgrims


Spiritual reading

Interpretation on the gospel

